✌ large-scale Discount Voucher Code!!Enter a discount code to buy more offers!✍ ☚ All ready stock !! ☛= ☜ High quality product ☝ ☟ Good packaging ✌ We will arrange 24 hours shipping asap!Fast delivery (from China) 5 to 12 business days after shipment(except some special holidays). ♔ ♕ ♖ ☻ Features: 1. Excellent material, can be used in mouth without causing infection and allergy. 2. Widely used in dental clinics, laboratories, it is a necessary tool for dental treatment. 3. There are different colors and different types to choose from according to your needs. 4. There are 100pcs in one set, can be used for a long time and are not out of date. 5. Advanced manufacturing technology, soft and fine workmanship, not damage the mouth. Specification:
Condition: 100% Brand New Item Type: Rubber Wheel Material: Rubber Optional Type: Black Very rough, Brown Rough, Green General Rough, Grey Fine Size: Approx. 22 x 3mm / 0.9 x 0.1in