100% Original Brand Is a highlighter with 2 sides Consists of the Bold side (the bevelled edge used for highlither or stabillos) and the Fine side (the tip is taper, besides it can be used for writing it can also be used for highlither with a thinner size)
Consists of 20 color choices:
1. Lemon Yellow (MLY) 2. Apricot (MAP) 3. Coral Pink (MCOP) 4. Cyan Blue (MCYA) 5. Dark Gray (MDGR) === 5 colors above are the colors of the series "Friendly" ===
6. Pink (MP) 7. Yellow (MY) 8. Blue Green (MBG) 9. Blue (MBL) 10. Orange (MOR) === 5 colors above are the color series "Mild & Fluoresent" ===
11. Brown (ME) 12. Vermillion (MVE) 13. Gold Orange (MGO) 14. Smoke Blue (MSB) 15. Magenta (MMZ) === 5 colors above are the color series "Deep & Warm" ===
16. Mild Green -MG 17. Mild Dark Blue -MDB 18. Mild Gray-MG 19. Mild Violet -MVI 20. Mild Red -MR === 5 colors above are the "Cool & Refined" color series ===
Please choose variations according to the color choice that you choose, because we will send the color according to the color of your choice.