TÍNH NĂNG SẢN PHẨM: The PIC16F628-04/P is a 8-bit fully-static Flash-based CMOS Microcontroller. The PIC16F62X have enhanced core features, eight-level deep stack, multiple internal and external interrupt sources. The separate instruction and data buses of the Harvard architecture allow a 14-bit wide instruction word with the separate 8-bit wide data. The two-stage instruction pipeline allows all instructions to execute in a single cycle, except for program branches (which require two cycles). A total of 35 instructions (reduced instruction set) are available. Additionally, a large register set gives some of the architectural innovations used to achieve a very high performance. The PIC16F62X microcontroller typically achieve a 2:1 code compression and a 4:1 speed improvement over other 8-bit microcontrollers in their class. The PIC16F62X device have special features to reduce external components, enhancing system reliability and reducing power consumption.'
THÔNG SỐ KỸ THUẬT: DATASHEET: https://www.mouser.vn/ds/2/268/40300c-81180.pdf
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THÔNG TIN LIÊN HỆ: 🔴 Công ty cổ phần điện tử SMD 📬 Địa chỉ: số 84 ngõ 132 đường Cầu Diễn – Minh Khai – Bắc Từ Liêm – HN. ☎️ Điện thoại cửa hàng: 0246 687 4969 ☎️ Điện thoại bán hàng online: 0988 125 136 ☎️ Điện thoại bán hàng thương mại: 0869 256 946 ☎️ Điện thoại kỹ thuật: smdchip.vn@gmail.com 🌎 Website: http://linhkienviet.vn 🔴 Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/smdchip.vn/ 🔴 Group hỗ trợ: https://www.facebook.com/groups/linhkiendientusmd #PIC16F628-04I/P